Bupa Malta

Private Clinic Plan

Major Medical Health Plan

Private Clinic Plan

The Bupa Malta Private Clinic plan is designed to help with the costs of private medical treatment for acute illness or injury, in Malta.

In-patient, day-case and out-patient treatment are covered up to specified limits.

You can extend your cover by including the Dental and Extended Care optional riders.

Key features

No referral needed for specialist consultations
Valid and covered claims settled via direct credit to your bank account

Table of Benefits

This is a summary and a full list of benefits including limitations, waiting periods and exclusions can be found in the membership guide.

Overall maximum benefit per person each membership year €175,000.

All fees charged must be reasonable and customary.

Out-patient Treatment

Consultant's fees, pathology, radiology, diagnostic tests and treatment by therapists, complementary therapists and qualified nurses

Up to €250
Mini Minor procedure performed by a family doctor under local anaesthetic

Up to €100 each
Costs for treatment by a family doctor

Up to €80

Bupa Malta must be notified about any hospitalisation before the 5th night to approve any further treatment. All benefits are per policy year unless otherwise specified. Please download the Health Plan Guide for further detail.

In-patient and day-case treatment

Hospital accommodation, nursing care and surgical dressings

Up to €85 each day-case treatment / Up to €155 per night up to max 5 nights each stay
Surgeon's and anaesthetist's fees for surgery, including pre- and post-operative care

Minor procedures carried out under local anaesthesia, up to €105 for each surgical operation

Minor operation under general anaesthetic, up to €140 for surgeon's costs and up to €50 for anaesthetists' costs

Intermediate operation under general anaesthetic, up to €260 for surgeon's costs and up to €85 for anaesthetists' costs
Specialist's Fees

Up to €50/ night for a max of 5 nights/ in-patient stay
Theatre charges, drugs and surgical dressings

Up to €95 minor

€140 intermediate

€235 major operation
Pathology, X-rays, diagnostic tests and therapies

Up to €200
Prosthetic implants and appliances

Up to €400
Parent Accommodation

Up to €30/ night up to max 5 nights

Other benefits

Advanced Imaging

Up to €200 each scan 
Cancer treatment

Up to €500 each course
Home nursing following in-patient treatment

Up to €35/ day max of 26 weeks
Local road ambulance

Up to €800
Cash benefit in a state hospital

Up to €25/procedure for day case treatment

Up to €25/night up to 40 nights for in-patient treatment

Request a quote

Need more information?

For full details, plus terms and conditions, including waiting periods for certain benefits associated with this health plan, please download the full list of benefits and exclusions.

Useful documents

Private Clinic Plan IPID

Download Private Clinic Plan IPID

Application Form

Download Application Form

Dental Cover - Flyer

Download Dental Cover flyer

Reasonable and customary fees

Download Reasonable and customary fees flyer

Claim Form

Download Claim Form

Individual Direct Credit Form

Download Direct Credit Form - Customers

Hospital / Specialists Direct Credit Form

Download Direct Credit Form - Providers

Looking for other private insurance options?

Private Hospital Cover

Direct settlement facilities within Bupa network and participating hospitals
Valid and covered claims settled via direct credit to your bank account
24-hour emergency help line, 365 days a year

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International Plans

Direct settlement facilities and participating hospitals
Valid and covered claims settled via direct credit to your bank account
24-hour emergency help line, 365 days a year
In the case of Standard and Gold options, wherever you are in the world (except U.S and Canada), we are always close at hand

Read more >

LifeStar Health Limited acts as an insurance agent for Bupa Global Designated Activity Company (Bupa Global DAC), which has passported its services through the European Passport Rights for Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings. LifeStar Health Limited is enrolled as an insurance agent under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Malta and is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority of Notabile Road, Attard BKR 3000, Malta and subject to limited regulation by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered office: LifeStar Health Limited, Testaferrata Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1403, Malta. Company Registration No. C6393. Bupa Global DAC, trading as Bupa Global, is a designated activity company limited by shares registered in Ireland under company number 623889 and having its registered office at Second Floor, 10 Pembroke Place, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, DO4 V1W6. Bupa Global DAC, trading as Bupa Global, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.