Bupa Global Access

U.S. Prescriptions Savings Program frequently asked questions

How do I get started using the U.S. Prescriptions Savings Program?

Simply present your Blue Cross Blue Shield Global card to any participating pharmacy along with your prescription(s). To locate a participating pharmacy, visit the pharmacy locator tool and search the Universal Rx network of over 55,000 pharmacies nationwide

How do I access my savings at the pharmacy?

The Bupa U.S. Prescriptions Savings Program allows you to purchase prescription medications and other healthcare items at deeply discounted prices. When you present your Blue Cross Blue Shield Global card to the pharmacy, you will receive the lowest possible price on their medications.

When you want to fill a prescription, provide the pharmacist with your Blue Cross Blue Shield Global card, and the pharmacist submits the claim online to Universal Rx. The online claims processing system automatically calculates the contracted rate and sends back the amount you owe the pharmacy.

What will my discount be? What will the price be for my specific medication?*

You can save up to 60% on your prescriptions, with most prescriptions saving an average of 25% to 30%. A “to the dollar savings” cannot be provided as prices depend on what medications you are purchasing as well as the markup on the pharmacies’ regular retail price. You can enter your drug and specific pharmacy location to obtain an estimated price for your medication.

*Note that not all prescriptions will receive a discount.

Why did I not receive a discount?

You pay the lower of:

  1. The Universal Rx contracted rate or
  2. The pharmacy regular retail price.

Savings depend on what medications you are purchasing and on the mark-up of the pharmacy regular retail price. If the participating pharmacies regular retail price is higher than the Universal Rx contracted price the card member will receive a discount.

If the pharmacy regular retail price is lower than the Universal Rx contracted price you will not receive a discount; however, the card member does receive the lower price.

What medications are eligible for a discount?

All federal legend (prescription) drugs are eligible for a discount through the U.S. Prescriptions Savings Program.

Does my pharmacy participate?

The Bupa U.S. Prescriptions Savings Program allows you to purchase prescription medications at over 55,000 pharmacies nationwide and receive the lowest available price.

Please use the pharmacy locator tool and search for the participating pharmacies nearest to you.